Starting Blog
Posted On July 01, 2008 at at 5:19 AM by kulluBlog is a free hosting service,In simple words it is a online diary,where people can display their thoughts,feelings whatever they want to share with other people.I personally like blogging because it is quite versatile.Every blog contains a theme,for example- if a blogger is interested in web designing then they might post article which contents discuss the designing. Some people like to use it as a scrapbook - a form of online memory.
Creating Your Own Blog: The incredible simplicity of blogging is one of the things that makes blogging so popular.There are so many sites where you can create your blog.Typepad,LiveJournal,Xanga,blogger are just a few services available.You can create your blog for free.I prefer is very simple to fill forum.The other free services is, you want to create a blog on it then check it out.
Blog is source of Income: It is also to use for making money to put some advertisement by Google Adsence program on your blog.You would have to check out the rules of advertising.You can make profit through advertising from your site.You can earn by blogging.There are also other affiliated program which promote their product and several other program where you write review on their products and get commission whenever they approved.
Increase your traffic: It is important that you regularly update your can submit you blog in different directory. If you actively updating your blog,all search engines will start indexing your blog within one or two month.If you want your site appear faster than normal, then submit your site to search engines manually,, approx two weeks to one month for search engine to crawl your site. And also take participate some online program and leave comments and link with other blog, then you get more traffic.
the google and uayoo bots are slow..I also submiited to MSN's new blog directory and sarted getting hits with in hours