Mesothelioma Survivor

What is Mesothelioma? Mesothelioma is a cancer which affects the lining around the lungs, heart or inside the ribs or around the abdominal organ.It is mostly caused by chronic exposure to asbestos or its related products.These asbestos fiber enter the body of the worker by breathing or swallowing while they work on that area.It affect different parts of the body and can lead to cancer. Asbestos particles move through all the body and these cells cause the tumors in the body.
Symptoms of Mesothelioma:
Patient feel pain in chest
Fluid in lungs
Sustained cough
Hard to breath
Weight loss
Lumps in the abdomen
Study shows that every year about 10,000 people dead by Mesothelioma in USA. The mostly worker are not stranger for each other,they are in relation like father, mother,son or daughter,they all in the grip of cancer. It is materialist world. Mostly companies ignore the danger for the sake of the profits.If your loved one has faced this problem then you have the duty to save his life and file case. There are Mesothelioma lawyer who always ready to take your case.

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  1. Anonymous Says:

    I never heard of this cancer name before in my life. Thanks for updating. Asbestos u said? What contains high asbestos?

